What's New: Past Year

Articles feed

  1. Paleo Datasets

    Modern datasets for the Greenland Ice Sheet can be found here. Modern datasets for the Antarctic Ice Sheet can be found here.Image: Sample taken for Greenland DRILL ProjectImage Credit: Jason...


  2. Testing...

    If you are interested in param, click here. If you are searching for param, click here.Image: An imageImage Credit: Name* {box-sizing: border-box}body, html { height: 100%; margin: 0;}.tablink {...


  3. Antarctic Ice Sheet Datasets

    If you are searching for Greenland Ice Sheet datasets, click here. If you are interested in paleo datasets, click here.Dry Valleys, Antarctica; ASTER True ImageImage Credit:...


  4. Greenland Ice Sheet Datasets

    If you are searching for Anarctic Ice Sheet datasets, click here. If you are interested in paleo datasets, click here.Frederikshåb Glacier, Greenland; Landsat-8 True ImageImage Credit:...


  5. Ghub Tool Development Workshop Logisitics

     Total Solar Eclipse Western NY is anticipating ~1 million visitors for the event, so Buffalo will be busy! Service workers, cab and ride share drivers, and city employees (really,...


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Knowledge Base feed

  1. Tool development tips

    Team development and source controlIt's easy for development team members to collaborate on Ghub. All the users listed on the development team of a tool have access to that tool's repo. So,...


  2. Using Python packages from Jupyter Notebooks

    The Jupyter tool is a useful place to develop Python, R, or Octave code and analyses in a notebook style. Hub users can easily share their notebooks with other users by publishing notebooks as...


  3. Invoke scripts for Jupyter notebooks

    The Ghub tool invoke script is located in the tool's middleware/ subdirectory. When you first create a tool, the basic invoke script provided must be edited to work with Jupyter notebook...


  4. Using submit

    Submit functionality enables qualified users to execute certain codes on the compute cluster. In order to use submit functionality, you must have access to the HUBzero Workspace and be a member of...


  5. Environment variables

    A number of environment variables are available in a Ghub tool session. A few are discussed here. A full list can be viewed by running the env command from a terminal in the Workspace tool, the...


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Resources feed

  1. Greenland paleo sea level indicators and proxies derived from the GAPSLIP database

    02 Oct 2024 | Contributor(s):: Evan James Gowan

    This is a spreadsheet that contains the paleo sea level indicators and proxies that were compiled and described by Gowan (2023) in the GAPSLIP paleo sea level database for Greenland. Included are the datasets in ODS and tab delimited formats. The dataset includes 1019 data points, with 647 marine...

  2. Insolation and Ice Volume Explorer

    17 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s):: Kristin Poinar

    Explore the volume of ice on Earth, its rate of change, and insolation at 65°N over the last 4 ice ages

  3. Greenland ICESHEET Simulator

    12 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s):: Evan James Gowan, Renette Jones-Ivey, Sophie Goliber (contributor), Joseph P Tulenko (contributor), Sophie Nowicki (contributor), Jason Briner (contributor)

    A Jupyter Notebook tool which implements an easy-to-use setup to run the ICESHEET program with the Greenland Ice Sheet.

  4. MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP) Land Ice and Ocean Classification Masks as Shape Files

    11 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s):: Ivan Parmuzin, Beata Maria Csatho

    The MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP) Land Ice and Ocean Classification Mask, Version 1 is now available in GIS friendly vector format (shape files) on Ghub! Shape files were converted from 30 m resolution raster masks and provide in WGS 84/UTM N24 (EPSG: 32624) and ...

  5. Demonstration Code for "Comprehensive Assessment of Stress Calculations for Crevasse Depths"

    14 Aug 2024 | Contributor(s):: Benjamin Reynolds, Sophie Nowicki, Kristin Poinar

    This tool make plots of crevasse penetration with six resistive stress calculations found in literature for the Larsen B remnant and Pine Island Glacier ice shelves.

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Wiki Pages feed

  1. CMIP data download instructions

    # Browse to the ESGF MetaGrid: https://aims2.llnl.gov/search Filter using the options on the left. For example: Activity ID = CMIP Data Node = aims3.llnl.gov Source ID = IPSL-CM6A-LR Experiment ID...


  2. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  3. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  4. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  5. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


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