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  1. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  2. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  3. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  4. gpstools

    Linking to GitHub repo:datatools https://github.com/jzmejia/datatools.gitincludes: gpstools.py – Import GAMIT/GLOBK post-process GNSS station positions to python. Specifically for...


  5. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  6. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  7. Main Page

    What are wiki pages? Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles...


  8. Table Format: Projections Antarctica

    Table 1: Core Experiments based on MIROC5, NorESM1-M and HadGEM2-ESExp RCP AOGCM Std/open Ocean Forcing Unc. Fracture Note 1 8.5 NorESM1-M Open Medium None Low atmospheric change and mid-to-high...


  9. Table Format: Projections Antarctica

    Table 1: Core Experiments based on MIROC5, NorESM1-M and HadGEM2-ESExp RCP AOGCM Std/open Ocean Forcing Unc. Fracture Note 1 8.5 NorESM1-M Open Medium None Low atmospheric change and mid-to-high...


  10. ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Experiments

    initMIP: Focus on initializationEarlier large-scale ice sheet experiments e.g. those run during ice2sea and SeaRISE initiatives have shown that ice sheet initialization can have a large effect on...


  11. Regridding with CDO

    Introduction to RegriddingIn order to intercompare different models, they must be interpolated from the native grid on which they were calculated to a common output grid. This procedure is known as...


  12. Regridding BISICLES output with ESMF and NCO

    IntroductionIn order to intercompare different models, they must be interpolated from the native grid on which they were calculated to a common output grid. This procedure is known as regridding or...


  13. Publications & Citation Guidance

    Guidance for ISMIP6 publications Given the hard work from so many people, we will follow the CMIP6 guidance for acknowledgements and referencing models and key papers (see below). We are also...


  14. Table Format: Standalone Ice Sheet Experiments

    Ways of Providing Atmospheric ForcingWays of providing SMB forcing for Greenland Method Advantages Disadvantages AOGCM forcing Actions 1. Coupled to a Regional Climate Model. Full coupling. (1)...


  15. InitMIP

    initMIP: Focus on initializationEarlier large-scale ice sheet experiments e.g. those run during ice2sea and SeaRISE initiatives have shown that ice sheet initialization can have a large effect on...


  16. ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Experiments

    initMIP: Focus on initializationEarlier large-scale ice sheet experiments e.g. those run during ice2sea and SeaRISE initiatives have shown that ice sheet initialization can have a large effect on...
