• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Open/Anyone
  • Created 23 Apr 2024

About the Group

Public Description

Welcome to the iHARP Open Science Initiative

This group provides access to a collection of iHARP scholarly works, tools and datasets, highlighting the collaborative research work conducted by faculty, students, government, and industry experts across polar and data science, and with the support of community members. All scholarly works available here are published in Journals, Conferences, Workshops, Symposiums, and Scientific Meetings.
About iHARP


About iHARP

iHARP is an NSF HDR Institute. iHARP advances our understanding of the response of polar regions to climate change and its global impacts by deeply integrating data science and polar science to spur physics-informed, data-driven discoveries. The institute brings together stakeholders and leading scholars in data science and polar science to data-intensive research, education, outreach, and cyberinfrastructure development that will transform understanding of the effects of climate change in polar regions.

To learn more about iHARP, visit https://iharp.umbc.edu/



Do You Want To Share Your Scientific Contributions?

Submit your article, poster, or presentation from a journal, conference, workshop, symposium, or scientific meeting.

Want to share a quick file, such as a dataset, or notebook? Post it on the group's server.

Start a conversation in the forum.

Have a quick idea? Post it on the wish list.