Knowledge Base

Invoke scripts for Jupyter notebooks

The Ghub tool invoke script is located in the tool's middleware/ subdirectory. When you first create a tool, the basic invoke script provided must be edited to work with Jupyter notebook tools.

This writeup shows you how to create Jupyter tools with three different appearances: notebook, App, and Tool mode.

invoke_app and start_jupyter

To deploy a Jupyter notebook as a tool on Ghub's gateways, you call the invoke_app executable, which in turn calls start_jupyter. Each have their own arguments:

arguments for start_jupyter
-d show debug (verbose) output
-t run as a Tool with no notebook controls
-A run in AppMode.

arguments for invoke_app
-C command to execute
-r Rappture version to use (normally specify none for notebook tools)
-u environment package(s) to use
-t Tool name

invoke_app: starting point

The basic invoke script for Jupyter notebooks looks like this:

/usr/bin/invoke_app "$@" -t TOOLNAME 
	-C "start_jupyter -T @tool APP.ipynb" 
	-r none 
	-u anaconda-6

Invoking a Jupyter tool this way gives a notebook with all its code cells displayed to the user.


  • TOOLNAME is the short name of the tool
  • APP is the name of the main notebook that runs the tool
  • anaconda-6 is the current anaconda installation

Notice that the script uses the -t, -C, -r, and -u invoke_app arguments.

start_jupyter arguments

Control the way the notebook appears when run as a tool, using the arguments passed to the start_jupyter executable.

You can run a Jupyter tool in three ways:

  • notebook mode, in which all code cells are displayed to the user (shown above)
  • app mode, in which code cells are initially hidden but can be displayed
  • tool mode, in which code cells are hidden and cannot be displayed
for App Mode

For a notebook tool that hides its code cells and shows only the UI and markdown elements on initial run, add the -A argument in the start_jupyter call:

/usr/bin/invoke_app "$@" -t TOOLNAME 
	-C "start_jupyter -A -T @tool APP.ipynb" 
	-u anaconda-6 
	-r none

The tool user can toggle the tool's "Edit App" button to show the underlying code cells, making this a great teaching/demo option.
NOTE that this differs from the invoke_app -A argument for invoke_app.

for Tool Mode

To permanently hide code cells from the user in App Mode, specify the -A and -t arguments in the start_jupyter call:

/usr/bin/invoke_app "$@" -t TOOLNAME 
	-C "start_jupyter -A -t -T @tool APP.ipynb" 
	-u anaconda-6 
	-r none

The Edit App button will not be displayed to the tool user.     
NOTE that this differs from the invoke_app -t argument for invoke_app.


specify no rappture
/usr/bin/invoke_app "$@" -t TOOLNAME 
	-C "start_jupyter -T @tool APP.ipynb" 
	-u anaconda-6 
	-r none

Running the tool's invoke script from the deb10 workspace, returns:

"could not find a rappture installation: RAPPTURE_PATH=,"

Be sure to supply the "-r none" argument in the invoke_app call, as above. No quotation marks are needed.

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