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  1. (Poster) Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists

    19 Apr 2023 | Contributor(s): Sophie Goliber, jason briner, sophie nowicki

    PDF of the poster for "Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists".  

  2. PYFLOW_2.0. A new tool for estimating the impact parameters and the deposition rate and time of dilute PDCs based on field data

    22 Nov 2017 | Contributor(s): Fabio Dioguardi, Daniela Mele, Pierfrancesco Dellino

    PYFLOW_2.0 is a hazard tool for the calculation of the impact parameters of dilute pyroclastic density currents (DPDCs). DPDCs represent the dilute turbulent type of gravity flows that occur during explosive volcanic eruptions; their hazard is the result of their mobility and the capability...

  3. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and Applications

    20 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s): Peter W Webley

    Dear all,We invite you to submit an abstract to our session and look forward to you joining us at AGU 2017 in New Orleans, December 11 - 15, 2017.V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and ApplicationSession ID#:...

  4. La erupción del volcán Calbuco en 2015: Volcanología, sociedad y ecosistemas

    25 Apr 2017 | Contributor(s): Jorge E. Romero

    La erupción del 22-23 de abril de 2015 del Volcán Calbuco tuvo impactos en las actividades sociales y ecosistemas en el sur de Chile y en Argentina, debido a la espesa caída de piroclastos, corrientes calientes de gases y rocas, además de flujos de lodo...

  5. Documentation for "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents"

    08 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s): Kristen Fauria, Michael Manga, Michael Chamberlain

    This is a repository for the data and script used in, "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents."Here you will find:1. A compilation of splash function experimental data from this study and data that was extracted from seven other studies:...

  6. Confort 15 (Conflow improvement)

    22 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s): Silvia Campagnola, Claudia Romano, Larry G Mastin, Alessandro Vona

    We present an updated version of the Conflow model, an open-source numerical model for flow in eruptive conduits during steady-state pyroclastic eruptions (Mastin and Ghiorso, 2000). In the Confort 15 program, several updates were considered:The rheological parameters of the model are...

  7. Los depósitos de caída de tefra: Una breve revisión sobre su cuantificación y análisis para la clasificación de erupciones volcánicas explosivas, con ejemplos Latinoamericanos

    15 Nov 2015 | Contributor(s): Jorge E. Romero

    La cuantificación de los depósitos volcánicos es una de las herramientas más utilizadas en la actualidad para clasificar la magnitud de la actividad volcánica y determinar los peligros volcánicos asociados. En el caso especial de las erupciones...

  8. GeoProMT v1.0 - Geospatial Project Management Tool

    26 Apr 2011 | *Data Sets/Collections | Contributor(s): Chris S Renschler, Fernando Rios, Graham S Hayes, Jorge Valentin Bajo, Thomas W. Slomka, Michael Sheridan

    The Geospatial Project Management Tool (GeoProMT) is a web-based tool for management of shared geo-spatial and multi-temporal data such as GIS data and remotely sensed images. Integral to the GeoProMT framework is role-based access control (RBAC), where data access permissions and data users are...

  9. Numerical fallout models: An introduction based on Suzuki (1983)

    08 Feb 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): William I Rose

    Suzuki, T., 1983. A theoretical model for dispersion of tephra, in: D. Shimozuru and I. Yokoyama (eds) Arc Volcanism: Physics and Tectonics, Terra Scientific Publishing, Tokyo, 95-116.

  10. PASI: Volcanic Hazards and Remote Sensing in Pacific Latin America

    11 Jan 2011 | Workshops | Contributor(s): William I Rose, Jose Luis Palma Open Vent Volcanoes PASI in Costa Rica gathered 60 scientists from 13 countries to build scientific networking in the transdisciplinary field of volcanology in January 2011. The accelerating application of field measurements and remote sensing to...

  11. bent: A model of plumes in crossflow

    11 Nov 2010 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Marcus I Bursik

    Bent is an integral trajectory model for calculation of plume parameters in the presence of a crossflow (wind). It has been validated against data for eruptions from Kliuchevskoi and Avachinskiy volcanoes, Russia.

  12. Eyjafjallajokull WMO meeting, Geneva, Bursik presentation

    19 Oct 2010 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Marcus I Bursik

    Presentation given at WMO, Geneva, Switzerland by M. Bursik, attempting to summarize work of this group to date (18 Oct 2010).LaTeXNSF-RAPID grant EAR-1041775, Icelandic Meteorological Office

  13. dWind

    27 Jul 2010 | Offline Tools | Contributor(s): Seb Biass, Costanza Bonadonna

    UPDATE: A new version of dWind is now available as part of the TephraProb package here: allows to download wind data from both the NOAA NCEP Reanalysis 1 and the ECMWF Era-Interim datasets and provides a variety of functions to plot and analyse wind...