Workshop on the Impacts associated with the primary fallout of volcanic ash and subsequent aeolian remobilisation, Consensual Document
19 May 2020 | Publications | Contributor(s): Lucia Dominguez, Costanza Bonadonna, Donaldo Bran
The inherent complexity associated with volcanic eruptions and their relationship with societies requires innovative strategies about how we assess and manage risk. The 2011 Cordón Caulle eruption (2011-CC) demonstrated the additional complexity associated with secondary hazards and...
Workshop on Wind-remobilisation processes of volcanic ash, Consensual Document
20 Feb 2020 | Publications | Contributor(s): Costanza Bonadonna, Paul A Jarvis, Lucia Dominguez, Corine Frischknecht, Pablo Forte, Donaldo Bran, Rigoberto Aguilar, Frances Beckett, Manuela Elissondo, Jack Gillies, ulrich kueppers, Jonathan Merrison, Nick Varley, Kristi L Wallace
Explosive volcanic eruptions can eject large quantities of tephra into the atmosphere that can be dispersed and deposited over wide areas. Whilst the hazardous consequences of primary tephra fallout are well known, subsequent remobilisation of ash by aeolian processes can continue to present an...
21 May 2018 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Alvaro Aravena, Raffaello Cioni
Probability map of PDC by using a modifed approach of the energy cone model and topographic information derived from the SRTM 30 m elevation model.
1st IAVCEI/GVM Workshop: "From Volcanic Hazard to Risk Assessment", Geneva, 27-29 June 2018
18 Dec 2018 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Costanza Bonadonna, Sebastien Biass, Eliza S Calder, Corine Frischknecht, Chris Eric Gregg, Susanna Jenkins, Sue C Loughlin, Scira Menoni, Shinji Takarada, Tom Wilson
The complexity of volcanic risk analysis typically resides in the interaction of multiple hazard, vulnerability and exposure aspects dynamically acting over various spatial and temporal scales. Risk analyses provide an evidence-based approach to development and implementation of proactive...
MAMMA (Magma Ascent Mathematical Modeling and Analysis)
01 Mar 2018 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Alvaro Aravena, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi
1D-steady state model for volcanic conduits
2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and Applications
20 Jun 2017 | Miscellaneous | Contributor(s): Peter W Webley
Dear all,We invite you to submit an abstract to our session and look forward to you joining us at AGU 2017 in New Orleans, December 11 - 15, 2017.V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and ApplicationSession ID#:...
14 Aug 2015 | Offline Tools | Contributor(s): Matteo Cerminara, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro
A fluid-dynamic model is developed to numerically simulate the non-equilibrium dynamics of polydisperse gas-particle mixtures forming volcanic plumes. Starting from the three-dimensional N-phase Eulerian transport equations for a mixture of gases and solid particles, we adopt an asymptotic...
Geochemistry and Petrology first response draft
28 Aug 2014 | Miscellaneous | Contributor(s): Gudmundur H Gudfinnsson, Armann Hoskuldsson, Níels Örn Óskarsson
Here are the documents which were presented at the meeting on the 27th of August. Please feel free to download, edit, and then update the files stored here.
2nd IUGG-WMO Workshop on Ash Dispersal Forecast and Civil Aviation, Consensual Document
18 Feb 2014 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Costanza Bonadonna, Peter W Webley, Matthew Craig Hort, Arnau Folch, Sue C Loughlin, Herbert Puempel
An international expert community of volcano observatories, academic scientists, volcanic ash advisory centres and representatives of aviation regulators, engine manufacturers and airlines met in Geneva on 18-20 November 2013 to discuss progress on ash dispersal forecasting and produce a roadmap...
23 Jul 2013 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Joaquin Alberto Cortes
Olive 2.1.1 a simple fractional crystallization calculator.
New Methods and Computer Codes for Volcanic Modelling
18 Jul 2013 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Martha Kane Savage, Yosuke Aoki, Thomas Lecocq, Jess Johnson, Florent Brenguier, Benoit Taisne, Charles Williams, Nico Fournier
This workshop was undertaken before the IAVCEI conference in July 2013, complementing the session on "Stress, strain and mass changes at active volcanoes. It brings together seismic and geodetic methods and computational approaches for modelling volcanic processes.Material presented includes:1....
Eruption data for ash-cloud model validation
04 Apr 2013 | *Data Sets/Collections | Contributor(s): Larry Garver Mastin, Costanza Bonadonna, Arnau Folch, peter webley, barbara stunder, Michael Pavolonis
This is a collection of data, references, and links to data on well-documented eruptions whose observations can be used to validate ash-cloud transport models. Data include, among other things, plume height, duration, erupted volume, satellite observations, numerical wind fields, and grain-size...
13 Mar 2013 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Joaquin Alberto Cortes
Tritone a mini tool to plot ternary diagrams
14 Oct 2012 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Joaquin Alberto Cortes
A tool to calculate the Barth-Niggli and CIPW norms from whole-rock chemistry
Petrological INput - Graphical oUtput
27 Feb 2012 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Joaquin Alberto Cortes, Jose L. Palma
A tool to plot geochemical data in petrology
Volcanic clouds observed by the A-Train satellite constellation
12 Mar 2012 | *Data Sets/Collections | Contributor(s): Simon Carn
A collection of images showing volcanic eruption clouds detected by NASA's A-Train satellite constellation, which includes the Aqua, CALIPSO, CloudSat and Aura satellites. These examples demonstrate the unique ability of the A-Train to provide coincident, multi-spectral, active and passive remote...
Hazards of volcanic ash
29 Nov 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): William I Rose
Claire Horwell
Eyjafjallajökull, volcanic clouds and aviation - one year on
05 Aug 2011 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Simon Carn
A workshop at the 2011 IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne, Australia, lead by Andrew Tupper (Australian Bureau of Meteorology), Fred Prata (Norwegian Institute for Air Research), and Arnau Folch (Barcelona Supercomputing Center).The Eyjafjallajokull eruption, resulting in ground and air...
Observing volcanic clouds
29 Jun 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): William I Rose
This presentation is part of the workshop "Volcanic Hazards and Remote Sensing in Pacific Latin America" held in Costa Rica in January 2011.Speaker: William I. Rose
Mapping a 49 year old eruption of a basaltic cone: Pacaya Guatemala
27 Apr 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): William I Rose
This presentation summarizes the 50 year eruption and the 3 dimensional map produced. The map, prepared as part of an MS thesis by Ruben Otoniel Matias Gomez, is under review as a Map and Chart Series publication by the GSA. The lecture summarizes the situation at Pacaya, and uses Matias' map as...