New Methods and Computer Codes for Volcanic Modelling
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This workshop was undertaken before the IAVCEI conference in July 2013, complementing the session on "Stress, strain and mass changes at active volcanoes. It brings together seismic and geodetic methods and computational approaches for modelling volcanic processes.
Material presented includes:
1. MFAST shear-wave splitting package and associate TESSA tomography package: Presenters Martha Savage, Jessica Johnson and Ernestynne Walsh (MFAST is written with free publicly available software; TESSA requires MATLAB)
2. Methodology and programs for using background seismic noise to monitor changes in surface wave velocity with time. The package called MSNoise (Monitoring using Seismic Noise) will be used and is written in Python (no Matlab needed). Presenters Florent Brenguier and Thomas Lecocq, from the Royal Observatory of Belgium will be presenting it.
3. Programs for how to invert GPS data for simple pressure source characteristics using either MATLAB or Python. Presenters: Nico Fournier and/or Flavio Cannavo
4. The basics of how to use the PyLith finite element code for the solution of dynamic and quasi-static tectonic deformation problems. Presenter: Charles Williams, Adrian Shelley
The files for PyLith are as follows:
pylith-overview.pdf: Presentation describing general capabilities and features of PyLith
pylith-tutorial.pdf: Brief description of the half-day tutorial
pylith-iavcei-demo.tar.gz: Tarball of files needed to work through the tutorial
The packages needed to do the tutorial are:
PyLith package: Binaries available from
ParaView package: Binaries available from
Cubit/Trelis package: 30-day free trial available from
5. Seismic amplitude ratio analysis. Presenter Benoit Taisne.
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