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  1. proxy VIIRS polar observations from Aqua/Terra MODIS data (bands: I5, M12-16)

    23 Nov 2023 | Contributor(s):: Dimitry Sushon

    This example dataset from 11/14/2023 was produced from Aqua/Terra L1 MODIS observations over the Antarctic coast and over Siberia/Arctic Ocean.The input granules were processed with a VIIRS L1 Generator application to apply bow-tie effect and re-project the data from MODIS to VIIRS spatial...

  2. Greenland Ice Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor from MODIS Comparison Tool

    26 Jan 2021 | | Contributor(s):: Denis Felikson, Erika Simon, Dorothy K. Hall, Nicolo DiGirolamo, Elliot Snitzer

    Compare observations of Greenland Ice Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo, and Water Vapor from MODIS against MERRA-2 reanalysis model output.

  3. Daniel Blair Williams


  4. Satellite Data for Volcano Monitoring: a Users Guide

    Introduction The aim of this wiki is to provide a resource for volcanologists who are interested in using satellite datasets to monitor volcanic activity, and to answer questions such as: what...


  5. PASI: Volcanic Hazards and Remote Sensing in Pacific Latin America

    11 Jan 2011 | | Contributor(s):: William I Rose, Jose Luis Palma

    http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/PASI2011The Open Vent Volcanoes PASI in Costa Rica gathered 60 scientists from 13 countries to build scientific networking in the transdisciplinary field of volcanology in January 2011. The accelerating application of field measurements and remote sensing to...