Fuego Volcano--resources for volcano scientists
17 Oct 2012 | Contributor(s): William I Rose
This new web compilation contains a published scientific bibliography with source links about Fuego Volcano. Fuego is a bellweather volcano with explosive activity of a vulcanian or sub plinian type. It is basaltic in composition, and has built a 3770 m high composite volcano around a central...
Pacaya Volcano Resource Information for volcano scientists
17 Oct 2012 | Contributor(s): William I Rose
This is an attempt at providing fundamental information for scientists considering field experiments and observations at an active volcano with strombolian activity. It has a list of published work on Pacaya and a basic visual intro of the site. The user might be able to get an impression about...
Tephra Impact Lab - Taupo Volcano
06 Dec 2011 | Contributor(s): Tom Wilson, Leah Michelle Courtland
This lab requires students to produce a pre-eruption tephra risk assessment for Taupo volcano, using Tephra2. It requires students to consider the eruptive history of Taupo volcano and a volcanic unrest scenario is provided, so that students must decide what magnitude and style of eruption is...
Volcanic Hazard
21 Oct 2011 | Contributor(s): Michael Sheridan, Jorge Valentin Bajo
This is the introductory volcanology course lectures taught at UB in the 1990 to 2006 by MF Sheridan.LecturesVolcanic Hazards .pdfApplication of Titan2D .pdfCasita Disaster 1988 .pdfEvaluating Hazards for People and Property Located Near Active Volcanoes .pdfManagaing Volcanic Hazards in Latin...
GVP Frequently Asked Questions
30 Jun 2011 | Contributor(s): Ed Venzke
http://www.volcano.si.edu/education/questions/What is a volcano?What is an eruption?How many active volcanoes are there in the world?What is the world's highest volcano?How long does an eruption last?Has volcanic activity been increasing?Why doesn't the Smithsonian post hazard alert levels for...
Gigapan of Santa Ana Volcano
30 Jun 2011 | Contributor(s): Bettina Martinez-Hackert, Elisabeth Gallant
This is a gigapan image of the crater. gigapan Dr. Bettina Martinez-Hackert, Krista Ventura
Stromboli online
29 Jun 2011 | Contributor(s): Roberto Carniel
Stromboli online - Volcanoes of the World http://stromboli.net The primary goal of Stromboli online website is to enrich and stimulate the teaching of Earth Sciences by presenting images, movies, data, virtual field trips and other educational material in relation to volcanoes.Although there is...
GeoProMT v1.0 - Geospatial Project Management Tool
26 Apr 2011 | *Data Sets/Collections | Contributor(s): Chris S Renschler, Fernando Rios, Graham S Hayes, Jorge Valentin Bajo, Thomas W. Slomka, Michael Sheridan
The Geospatial Project Management Tool (GeoProMT) is a web-based tool for management of shared geo-spatial and multi-temporal data such as GIS data and remotely sensed images. Integral to the GeoProMT framework is role-based access control (RBAC), where data access permissions and data users are...
Natural Hazards Tephra Fallout Lab
04 Mar 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Leah Michelle Courtland
This lab walks students through using the tephra2 education graphical user interface (gui) to investigate tephra fallout at Colima volcano. By the end of this lab, students should be able to:•understand that every volcanic event is different and so produces a unique deposit•convert from units of...
Alaska Volcanoes Guidebook for Teachers
02 Mar 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Jennifer Nicole Adleman
USGS GIP 99 Alaska Volcanoes Guidebook for Teachers http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/99/ Alaska's volcanoes, like its abundant glaciers, charismatic wildlife, and wild expanses inspire and ignite scientific curiosity and generate an ever-growing source of questions for students in Alaska and throughout...
Bubbles in Magmas
22 Feb 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Chuck ConnorPeter LaFeminaC. Connor, P. LaFemina, Spreadsheets across the Curriculum: The Physical Volcanology Collection.
AshFall: A graduate course in volcanology with substantial meteorological content
26 Jan 2011 | Courses | Contributor(s): William I Rose
Michigan Tech's AshFall course by William I. Rose.This series of lectures was put together in 2009 as the lecture part of a graduate level course which students did some evaluations of ashfall models, comparing their results with actual ashfall deposits, including the Grain size distributions...