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  • Created 04 Nov 2011


Topher, zhixuan, Ramona, Tarun, Reza, Puneet, Bruce in buffalo. Solene, Marcus a little late.

Peter, Abani, Don on the phone

Ramona went over the James paper review. Simulations start at different times, not standard. Reviewer wants standard MET notation. Don will look at it and try to help if possible. MET folks think ensemble means one thing, us another. Page limit constrains us somewhat. July 24 deadline for resubmission

Peter updated his puff automation trying to get included all volcanoes, not just Alaska area, and wind ensembles. Then is a position to upload to vhub.

MIT workshop paper due Aug 18.

Other papers: Peter putting in one on overview for Janet’s monograph. Abani writing on probability.

NSF and AirForce reports due end of August Bruce will start a folder on the wiki for people to dump materials

AGU. Solene will contact section officers about the workshops. Peter, Topher will be attending. We should think about 1 day, maybe 5 hrs, tutorial and show-and-tell, hopefully with the vhub version of puff. We need a room, and notice in program. Bring your own computer, need wifi.

Meet July 24.

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