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  • Created 04 Nov 2011

May 30, 2014 call in

SUNY – Abani, Solene, Romana, Topher, Bruce, Matt, Puneet and others UAF – Peter and Don

1. BENT-Puff

Got the time varying portion, looks good to generate inputs for Puff

Time varying capability, we can initialize Puff every second if we need to do this, with the restart option. First start with BENT output, then next time interval use BENT at the summit and use —restart with the Puff file name from the previous time output. We might want to really look at every minute re-initialization so to optimize computing power/time versus additional benefit in modeling the cloud.

2. Probabilities

So satellite data first states there is likelihood of ash everywhere and then builds up probabilities or more and more likely or less and less likely given more information from the channels. Bruce spoke about so can we use that the simulations states a location and add that to the probability tree to say more likely where simulations state ash might be.

3. Papers and summer

Working towards papers from last time and summer aims for work and reports

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