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  • Created 04 Nov 2011

June 5 2014 call in

SUNY – Abani, Matt, Topher, Solene, Romana UAF – Peter

1. Pavlof

Currently in testing operational mode

Puffin at UAF – is now the r-126 version. We can get the 6km ASL cloud but would need to be fine diameter crater of approx 13m. If we choose 107m crater, then the first time we change the axial velocity so that there is no collapse, then we get plume heights of 10 – 11 km ASL or around the local tropopause.

So looks like we need a finer crater diameter. Peter to set up document on his workflow and how to get this going operationally.

Currently tested on re-analysis winds, set up to run off real-time winds

Peter to make revisions to the 161 point files for the vent diameter and axial velocity

Could this be all set up by Monday?

2. Papers

Timelines for submission in July?

3. Travel

Abani in Australia to present on Jan paper work.

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