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  • Created 04 Nov 2011


‘Abani Marcus Reza Tarun Topher zhixuan Ramona. Peter Don. on phone Puneet, bruce late. Matt joined late by phone

Talked about ‘James’ paper at some length. Have plan for corrections

Talked about the dynamic bent Topher has written. Troubles when dynamically changing boundary conditions e.g. Volcanic radius or velocity. He will put up a version of the code and everyone needs to look at it

Peter spoke about the script and images it generates of puff plume output for pavlof using real time windfield data. Issues with which windfield forecast winds to use, and how to put out the animation. Can use GEFS. Can do one simulation or many. He will look into showing windfield on plot. He gave a demo via google earth and animation. Needs to better document and then he will post to vhub.

Marcus will reconnect re hysplit

Ramona talked about multiscale emulation. DEM uncertainty. Sampling. Hazard map construction.

Next meeting July 10.

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