VOLADA_Africa 2.0: Volcanic Lakes Database Africa
13 Dec 2021 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet
VOLADA_Africa 2.0 presents the most updated database on volcanic lakes in Africa.See Open Access paper by Rouwet et al. (2021, FES) for details and instructions:https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2021.717798/fullFor further information: dmitri.rouwet@ingv.it
14 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s):: Matteo Cerminara, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro
A fluid-dynamic model is developed to numerically simulate the non-equilibrium dynamics of polydisperse gas-particle mixtures forming volcanic plumes. Starting from the three-dimensional N-phase Eulerian transport equations for a mixture of gases and solid particles, we adopt an asymptotic...
Matteo Cerminara
Personal web page
09 Apr 2015 | Contributor(s):: Alain Burgisser, Marina Alletti, Bruno Scaillet
D-Compress computes the gas and melt volatile composition of five element sets in magmatic systems (O–H, S–O–H, C–S–O–H, C–S–O–H–Fe, and C–O–H). It has been calibrated so as to simulate the volatiles coexisting with three...
Tom D Pering
I am currently studying at the University of Sheffield for my PhD, where I am looking at Sulphur Dioxide flux from a number of basaltic volcanoes.
Lizzette A Rodriguez
My name is Lizzette A. Rodriguez and I am an Assistant Professor and the current Director of the Geology Department at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus (UPRM). I am puertorrican and...
Volcanic clouds observed by the A-Train satellite constellation
12 Mar 2012 | Contributor(s):: Simon Carn
A collection of images showing volcanic eruption clouds detected by NASA's A-Train satellite constellation, which includes the Aqua, CALIPSO, CloudSat and Aura satellites. These examples demonstrate the unique ability of the A-Train to provide coincident, multi-spectral, active and passive remote...
Satellite Data for Volcano Monitoring: a Users Guide
The aim of this wiki is to provide a resource for volcanologists who are interested in using satellite datasets to monitor volcanic activity, and to answer questions such as: what...
Syahrul Romadhon Kamil
I am graduate student from Geological Engineering of Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia, and I take volcanology concentration there.My thesis is about Study of Volcanic Facies for Merapi...
13 May 2011 | Contributor(s):: Simon Carn
OMIplot is a software package that can be used to ingest, visualize and analyze sulfur dioxide (SO2) data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard NASA's Aura satellite. The OMI SO2 measurements can be used to track drifting volcanic eruption clouds and study volcanic degassing. OMI...