Tags: probabilistic methods

Publications (1-2 of 2)

  1. Supplementary material for Newhall and Pallister (2014) Using multiple data sets to populate probabilistic volcanic event trees

    27 Sep 2017 | Contributor(s):: Chris Newhall, John S Pallister

    For probabilistic forecasting in volcanology, two widely used methods are the Cooke method (Aspinall and others) and BET-EF (Marzocchi and others).   The paper noted in the title, in Papale P (ed), Volcanic Hazards, Risks and Disasters. Academic Press, describes...

  2. Cost/benefit Analysis: Guidelines for quantitative protocols for volcanic risk reduction

    24 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet

    The goal of this deliverable is to provide guidelines that may allow scientists and decision makers tobridge the gap between volcanological knowledge and a rational decision making. Part of thecontent of this document has been published on the paper W. Marzocchi, C.G. Newhall, G. Woo(2012). The...