Tags: Probabilistic hazard assessment

Presentations (1-2 of 2)

  1. Recognizing and tracking volcanic unrest: a probabilistic approach

    24 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet

    This presentation is a lecture on probabilistic hazard assessment held during the 2014 Cotopaxi Summer School.

  2. A probabilistic framework to quantify hazard related to volcanic lakes

    23 Aug 2013 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet, Laura Sandri, raul mora-amador

    The presence of a volcanic lake increases the probability of certain types of volcanic hazard. So far, this topic has only been approached in a purely deterministic way, e.g.: phreatic-phreatomagmatic eruption behavior, dynamics of Nyos-type gas bursts and gas accumulation and dispersion, models...