Probabilistic studies with Eject! for Matlab
25 Jun 2019 | Contributor(s):: Karen Strehlow, Laura Sandri, Jo Gottsmann, Geoff Kilgour, Alison Rust, Roberto Tonini
Using a translation of the code of Eject! (Mastin 2001; 2011) in Matlab (Strehlow et al., 2019), we provide a workflow for probabilistic analyses of ballistic ejections during volcanic eruptions that can be used for hazard assessments. An example for the use of this workflow...
PYFLOW_2.0. A new tool for estimating the impact parameters and the deposition rate and time of dilute PDCs based on field data
22 Nov 2017 | Contributor(s):: Fabio Dioguardi, Daniela Mele, Pierfrancesco Dellino
PYFLOW_2.0 is a hazard tool for the calculation of the impact parameters of dilute pyroclastic density currents (DPDCs). DPDCs represent the dilute turbulent type of gravity flows that occur during explosive volcanic eruptions; their hazard is the result of their mobility and the capability...
Q-LavHA 2.2.1.
20 Feb 2017 | Contributor(s):: Sophie Mossoux, Mathijs Saey, Stefania Bartolini, Sam Poppe, Frank Canters, Matthieu Kervyn
Q-LavHA (Mossoux et al. 2016) is a plugin which simulates lava flow propagation from one or multiple regularly distributed eruptive vents on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). It combines existing probabilistic and 1D thermo-rheological deterministic (FLOWGO) models and proposes improvements in...
TephraProb: a Matlab package for probabilistic hazard assessments of tephra fallout
15 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s):: Sebastien Biass, Costanza Bonadonna, Laura J Connor, Chuck B Connor
Download the code on GitHub: https://github.com/e5k/TephraProbFollow updates on: https://e5k.github.io/TephraProb is a toolbox of Matlab functions designed to produce scenario–based probabilistic hazard assessments for ground tephra accumulation. The toolbox includes a series of...
VUELCO deliverable 7.5: Guidelines for the best practice of scientific management of volcanic unrest
09 Sep 2015 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet
Volcanic eruption forecasting and hazard assessment are multi-disciplinary processes with scientific and social implications. Our limited knowledge and the randomness of the processes behind a volcanic eruption yields the need of quantifying uncertainties on volcano dynamics. With deterministic...
Recognizing and tracking volcanic unrest: a probabilistic approach
24 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet
This presentation is a lecture on probabilistic hazard assessment held during the 2014 Cotopaxi Summer School.
Towards a probabilistic scheme: How can we recognize and track non-magmatic unrest and related hazards?
18 Feb 2014 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet, Laura Sandri, Warner Marzocchi, Jo Gottsmann
Eruption forecasting is a major goal in volcanology. The intrinsic complexity and non-linearity of volcanic systems has recently led to an intertwining of deterministic to probabilistic eruption forecasting methods. However, many volcanoes often pass states of non-eruptive and non-magmatic unrest...
A probabilistic framework to quantify hazard related to volcanic lakes
23 Aug 2013 | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet, Laura Sandri, raul mora-amador
The presence of a volcanic lake increases the probability of certain types of volcanic hazard. So far, this topic has only been approached in a purely deterministic way, e.g.: phreatic-phreatomagmatic eruption behavior, dynamics of Nyos-type gas bursts and gas accumulation and dispersion, models...