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  1. (Poster) Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists

    19 Apr 2023 | Contributor(s): Sophie Goliber, jason briner, sophie nowicki

    PDF of the poster for "Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists".  

  2. Validation data for manuscript "Novel statistical emulator construction for volcanic ash transport model Ash3d with physically-motivated measures"

    02 Sep 2020 | Contributor(s): Qingyuan Yang, E Bruce Pitman, Elaine Spiller, Marcus I Bursik, Andrea Bevilacqua

    This database presents the testing and validation data used and presented in the manuscript titled "Novel statistical emulator construction for volcanic ash transport model Ash3d with physically-motivated measures". The manuscript is submitted to the Proceedings of the Royal...

  3. ECMapProb

    21 May 2018 | Contributor(s): Alvaro Aravena, Raffaello Cioni

    Probability map of PDC by using a modifed approach of the energy cone model and topographic information derived from the SRTM 30 m elevation model.

  4. 1st IAVCEI/GVM Workshop: "From Volcanic Hazard to Risk Assessment", Geneva, 27-29 June 2018

    18 Dec 2018 | Contributor(s): Costanza Bonadonna, Sebastien Biass, Eliza S Calder, Corine Frischknecht, Chris Eric Gregg, Susanna Jenkins, Sue C Loughlin, Scira Menoni, Shinji Takarada, Tom Wilson

    The complexity of volcanic risk analysis typically resides in the interaction of multiple hazard, vulnerability and exposure aspects dynamically acting over various spatial and temporal scales. Risk analyses provide an evidence-based approach to development and implementation of proactive...

  5. MAMMA (Magma Ascent Mathematical Modeling and Analysis)

    01 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Alvaro Aravena, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi

    1D-steady state model for volcanic conduits

  6. PYFLOW_2.0. A new tool for estimating the impact parameters and the deposition rate and time of dilute PDCs based on field data

    22 Nov 2017 | Contributor(s): Fabio Dioguardi, Daniela Mele, Pierfrancesco Dellino

    PYFLOW_2.0 is a hazard tool for the calculation of the impact parameters of dilute pyroclastic density currents (DPDCs). DPDCs represent the dilute turbulent type of gravity flows that occur during explosive volcanic eruptions; their hazard is the result of their mobility and the capability...

  7. Documentation for "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents"

    08 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s): Kristen Fauria, Michael Manga, Michael Chamberlain

    This is a repository for the data and script used in, "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents."Here you will find:1. A compilation of splash function experimental data from this study and data that was extracted from seven other studies:...

  8. Confort 15 (Conflow improvement)

    22 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s): Silvia Campagnola, Claudia Romano, Larry G Mastin, Alessandro Vona

    We present an updated version of the Conflow model, an open-source numerical model for flow in eruptive conduits during steady-state pyroclastic eruptions (Mastin and Ghiorso, 2000). In the Confort 15 program, several updates were considered:The rheological parameters of the model are...

  9. Titan2D Hazard Map Emulator Workflow Tool

    24 Nov 2015 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Renette Jones-Ivey, bing zhang

    Titan2D Hazard Map Emulator Workflow Tool

  10. Implementation of material maps into the Titan2D simulation tool

    29 Dec 2013 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Sylvain Charbonnier

    These powerpoint slides describe how to create and use a GIS-classified map with varying basal friction angles with the Titan2d simulation tool. Users can also refer to the Titan user manual for additional information.

  11. Purace Titan2d Ang Basal 14

    29 May 2013 | *Data Sets/Collections | Contributor(s): Paola Andrea Narvaez

    Simulación para el volcán Puracé del por medio de Titan2d, con un ángulo basal de valor de 14.

  12. VHAST

    04 Apr 2013 | Offline Tools | Contributor(s): Gabriel Andrés Bernal

    VHAST (Volcanic Hazard Analysis and Simulation Tool)is a probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment software. It has been developed in Visual Basic .NET and runs on Windows XP or later. VHAST supports hazard analysis of lava flows, pyroclastic flows and ash fall, using simplified models.The...

  13. PyBetVH

    28 Mar 2012 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Roberto Tonini, Laura Sandri, Jacopo Selva, Warner Marzocchi

    Compute long-term volcanic hazard using the Bayesian Event Tree for Volcanic Hazard (BET_VH) model

  14. Titan2D Viewer

    26 Jun 2011 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Jose Luis Palma

    A viewer of the simulation results saved by Titan2D

  15. Tutorial for using Titan2D on VHub

    25 Jun 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Sylvain Charbonnier

    During this tutorial, we will go through a stock example and (1) learn how to enter the different input parameters for running a Titan2D simulation on Vhub, (2) run the simulation and (3) visualize the results using the freely available Paraview software.

  16. DEM converter for Titan2D

    15 Apr 2011 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Jose Luis Palma

    Convert a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII format to a Titan2D readable format

  17. Mapping a 49 year old eruption of a basaltic cone: Pacaya Guatemala

    27 Apr 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): William I Rose

    This presentation summarizes the 50 year eruption and the 3 dimensional map produced. The map, prepared as part of an MS thesis by Ruben Otoniel Matias Gomez, is under review as a Map and Chart Series publication by the GSA. The lecture summarizes the situation at Pacaya, and uses Matias' map as...

  18. Numerical fallout models: An introduction based on Suzuki (1983)

    08 Feb 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): William I Rose

    Suzuki, T., 1983. A theoretical model for dispersion of tephra, in: D. Shimozuru and I. Yokoyama (eds) Arc Volcanism: Physics and Tectonics, Terra Scientific Publishing, Tokyo, 95-116.

  19. eject model

    01 Feb 2011 | Offline Tools | Contributor(s): Larry Garver Mastin

    Eject is a user-friendly model that calculates the trajectories of blocks that are ballistically ejected from volcanic craters. It has also been used to calculate ballistic trajectories of other objects in other other settings, including missiles and bullets.Details are at:The attached zip...

  20. Titan2d user manual (spanish)

    28 Jan 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Michael Sheridan

    This is a translation of the Titan2D user manual by Teresita del Pilar Argoty.