AskICE-D: A querying tool for the ICE-D project

By Joseph P Tulenko, Greg Balco, jason briner, Sophie Goliber

A tool that helps users build and send SQL queries to the ICE-D database and dynamically returns the query results.

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Version 1.0 - published on 15 Feb 2024

This tool is closed source.

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Simulation Users

32 in

Zoom 1y 6m 3m

0 0 0 0 0 10 18 26 29 32 32
Users By Organization Type
Type Users
Unknown 31 (96.88)
University / College Graduate Student 1 (3.13)
Users by Country of Residence
Country Users
Unknown 31 (96.88%)

Simulation Runs

98 in

Zoom 1y 6m 3m

0 0 0 0 0 24 50 66 76 91 98
Average Total
Wall Clock Time 9.04 hours 36.92 days
CPU time 24.2 seconds 39.53 minutes
Interaction Time 2.57 hours 10.49 days