Lizzette A Rodriguez
My name is Lizzette A. Rodriguez and I am an Assistant Professor and the current Director of the Geology Department at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus (UPRM). I am puertorrican and...
Satellite Data for Volcano Monitoring: a Users Guide
The aim of this wiki is to provide a resource for volcanologists who are interested in using satellite datasets to monitor volcanic activity, and to answer questions such as: what...
13 May 2011 | Contributor(s):: Simon Carn
OMIplot is a software package that can be used to ingest, visualize and analyze sulfur dioxide (SO2) data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard NASA's Aura satellite. The OMI SO2 measurements can be used to track drifting volcanic eruption clouds and study volcanic degassing. OMI...