Tags: hazard maps

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  1. Adrián García


  2. aleyda xiomara leon

    I'm in charge of GIS departament at INSIVUMEH, actually getting end my thesis of Master degree study about Vulnerability in some comunities around Fuego volcano. I have been working with Gis since...


  3. Alfredo Antonio Rivas Vergara

    Estudiante en el Programa de Doctorado de Ciencias Geológicos de la Universidad de Concepción.


  4. Alicia Felpeto


  5. Blanca Liliana Narváez Marulanda


  6. Chris S Renschler

    Chris S. Renschler is Director of the Landscape-based Environmental System Analysis and Modeling (LESAM) Laboratory and an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University at...


  7. Jacqueline Ratner

    I'm a PhD student at Oxford currently working on volcanic risks in Ecuador, focusing on caldera Lake Cuicocha. I'm very interested in using the end products of geologic research to create visual...


  8. Jonathan Paul Collin


  9. Marco Daniel Cordova


  10. Mary Anne Thompson




  12. Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto


  13. Pedro Alejandro Espin


  14. PyBetVH

    28 Mar 2012 | | Contributor(s):: Roberto Tonini, Laura Sandri, Jacopo Selva, Warner Marzocchi

    Compute long-term volcanic hazard using the Bayesian Event Tree for Volcanic Hazard (BET_VH) model

  15. Validation data for manuscript "Novel statistical emulator construction for volcanic ash transport model Ash3d with physically-motivated measures"

    02 Sep 2020 | | Contributor(s):: Qingyuan Yang, E Bruce Pitman, Elaine Spiller, Marcus I Bursik, Andrea Bevilacqua

    This database presents the testing and validation data used and presented in the manuscript titled "Novel statistical emulator construction for volcanic ash transport model Ash3d with physically-motivated measures". The manuscript is submitted to the Proceedings of the Royal...

  16. VHAST

    04 Apr 2013 | | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Andrés Bernal

    VHAST (Volcanic Hazard Analysis and Simulation Tool)is a probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment software. It has been developed in Visual Basic .NET and runs on Windows XP or later. VHAST supports hazard analysis of lava flows, pyroclastic flows and ash fall, using simplified models.The...