04 Apr 2013 | Contributor(s):: Gabriel Andrés Bernal
VHAST (Volcanic Hazard Analysis and Simulation Tool)is a probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment software. It has been developed in Visual Basic .NET and runs on Windows XP or later. VHAST supports hazard analysis of lava flows, pyroclastic flows and ash fall, using simplified models.The...
Jersy Mariño Salazar
Trabajo en el INGEMMET, estoy a cargo del Programa Riesgo Volcánico en el Sur del Perú. He elaborado los mapas de peligros de los volcanes Misti, Sabancaya y Ticsani.Actualmente estoy elaborando el...
Jeannie A.J. Scott
I am a PhD student at University of Oxford studying the petrology and geochemistry of the Santiaguito volcanic dome in Guatemala. I am also interested in ways to improve communication between...
lucia zaccarelli
Sue C Loughlin
Head of Volcanology at British Geological Survey since 2008. Current projects include Global Volcano Model (NERC), STREVA Strengthening Resilience in Volcanic Areas (NERC), VANAHEIM...
Chris S Renschler
Chris S. Renschler is Director of the Landscape-based Environmental System Analysis and Modeling (LESAM) Laboratory and an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University at...