Tags: geothermal

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  1. Timothy Masterlark

    Fluid-solid coupling drives the dynamic systems of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Magma-filled dikes propagate within active volcanoes. Megathrust earthquakes shift the seafloor and excite...


  2. Brief Video Communications: Keweenaw Geoheritage

    11 Apr 2016 | Contributor(s):: William I Rose, Erika Vye

    Erika Vye and I have fashioned outreach videos aimed at a broad public to educate about local geology in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula, where metal mining began thousands of years ago by First Nation immigrants who walked to America from Asia and found copper veins projecting from uncovered...

  3. Jordan Lubbers


  4. Viveka Brian Jackson


  5. Annamaria Pinton


  6. ariel nav al


  7. Anita Patricia Ponce_Villarreal


  8. Gillian R. Foulger

    Gillian Foulger is a professor of geophysics at Durham University. She is one of the leading proponents of alternative models to the established deep mantle thermal plume hypothesis.[ This work...
