Tags: evaporative degassing

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  1. Multicomponent mixture phase equilibrium

    10 Nov 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, simone colucci

    Simple online tool to compute the equilibrium mass fractions of a multiphase and multicomponent mixture, based on the Raoult and Henry laws. An example is provided for a magmatic mixture with melt, water and carbon dioxide.

  2. Qualitative insights (Cl, D) into evaporative degassing from active crater lakes: theoretical background and practical tools

    23 Aug 2013 | | Contributor(s):: dmitri rouwet, Takeshi Ohba

    This work provides the theoretical background and necessary practical tools to study one of the most spectacular natural features: vigorous evaporation from active crater lakes. We will give qualitative insights (lake water chemical –Cl content, and isotopical composition) rather than quantify...