Tags: ash transport

*Tools (1-3 of 3)

  1. puffin

    08 Sep 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Marcus I Bursik, Alejandro Uriel Carbonara, Sean Michael Zawicki, Abani Patra, Renette Jones-Ivey

    puffin = a tool to run the volcanic ash dispersal model -- puff -- based on the plume trajectory model -- bent.

  2. Tephra2

    20 Apr 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Costanza Bonadonna, Laura Connor, Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland

    Tephra2 uses the advection diffusion equation to forecast tephra dispersion in a given location based on a user-defined set of eruptive conditions.

  3. Hazmap

    03 May 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Antonio Costa

    Simulate sedimentation of volcanic particles from discrete point sources and obtain the corresponding ground deposit.