
By Antonio Costa

Simulate sedimentation of volcanic particles from discrete point sources and obtain the corresponding ground deposit.

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Version 1.1w - published on 12 Apr 2013

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hazmap-2.4 is a computer program for simulating sedimentation of volcanic particles from discrete point sources and to obtain the corresponding ground deposit (deposit mode). Moreover, hazmap-2.4 is able to evaluate the probability of overcoming a given loading threshold in the ground deposit by using a set of different wind profiles recorded in different days (probability mode). For example, when the point sources are specified along a vertical line located above the volcano crater, the code is able to simulate the dispersion from a Plinian column, subject to a given wind profile, and to obtain the mass distribution and settling velocity spectrum in the deposit.


Giovanni Macedonio and Antonio Costa Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Sezione "Osservatorio Vesuviano" Via Diocleziano 328 - 80124 Napoli, Italy



Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Macedonio et al., 2005 G. Macedonio, A. Costa and A. Longo, A computer model for volcanic ash fallout and assessment of subsequent hazard, Comput. Geosci. 31 (7) (2005), pp. 837–845.
  • Antonio Costa (2013), "Hazmap," https://theghub.org/resources/hazmap.

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