Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow

Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow

Launch Tool

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Version 1.3 - published on 03 Jun 2024

This tool is closed source.

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The Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow tool is the basis of a methodology for gathering together information about potential atmospheric volcanic ash and other environmental particulates (EP), and running dispersion models to estimate where the ash may be headed.

The Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow tool extends the Bent-Hysplit Workflow tool (https://vhub.org/resources/benthysplitwf) and presents a Jupyter 10 Notebook interface when the user clicks the Launch Tool button. The Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow tool  guides the user through steps for gathering together the required information and running the dispersion models. 

The image displayed by the Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow tool was downloaded from the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Global Volcanism Program webpage: https://volcano.si.edu/gallery/ShowImage.cfm?photo=GVP-11518.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Renette Jones-Ivey; Marcus I Bursik; Abani Patra; Klaus Sievers (2024), "Volcanic Ash Explorer Workflow," https://theghub.org/resources/volcashexpwf.

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