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Tritone is a mini tool for plotting standard ternary diagrams and a part of the [/tools/pingu PINGU] package. The input is a file separated by tabs or spaces in which each row is a particular sample. The first column should contain a series number that indentify the subset of samples while column two to three should contain the coordinates of the point to be plotted. It doesn't matter whether your input file is normalize to 100, 1 or is not normalized. Furthermore, in the tritone input you could select the sorting of the axes, labels and custom symbols 'a la' PINGU
There are two ways to input the data: right button-click upload or from the Workspace (advanced users). A tab with different alternatives of symbols and another to set the key of the plot are provided. The output can be directly downloaded from Vhub to your personal computer as a high quality jpeg image.
For detailed info regarding features such custom symbols, check the wiki of the [/groups/pingu PINGU appreciation society] ... you need to become member of the group (just click for membership, it is automatically granted) and read the relevant sections in the Pingu wiki.
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