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  1. Visualizing Glacier/Ocean Change

    21 May 2024 | Contributor(s): Sophie Goliber, John Erich Christian

    A simple 1-D glacier model to teach students about glacier/ocean changes.

  2. Volcanology Higher Education Catalogue v1.1

    01 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Jacqueline Dohaney, Alison Jolley, Ben Kennedy, Alexander Watson

    Here we share the up to date list of peer reviewed literature concerning volcanology higher education. (Last updated: August 8, 2024).To add a piece to the catalogue, please email the first author ( It takes some time to code the literature, so please be...

  3. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and Applications

    20 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s): Peter W Webley

    Dear all,We invite you to submit an abstract to our session and look forward to you joining us at AGU 2017 in New Orleans, December 11 - 15, 2017.V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and ApplicationSession ID#:...

  4. Documentation for "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents"

    08 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s): Kristen Fauria, Michael Manga, Michael Chamberlain

    This is a repository for the data and script used in, "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents."Here you will find:1. A compilation of splash function experimental data from this study and data that was extracted from seven other studies:...

  5. ASHEE

    14 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s): Matteo Cerminara, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro

    A fluid-dynamic model is developed to numerically simulate the non-equilibrium dynamics of polydisperse gas-particle mixtures forming volcanic plumes. Starting from the three-dimensional N-phase Eulerian transport equations for a mixture of gases and solid particles, we adopt an asymptotic...

  6. Pyroclastic density currents and local topography as seen with the conveyer model

    15 Apr 2014 | Contributor(s): Domenico M. Doronzo

    Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are multiphase flows generated during explosive volcanic eruptions, and they move down the volcano, and over the surrounding topography. The flow-topography interaction can play a fundamental role in the sedimentary processes, and in the resulting deposit...

  7. New Methods and Computer Codes for Volcanic Modelling

    18 Jul 2013 | Contributor(s): Martha Kane Savage, Yosuke Aoki, Thomas Lecocq, Jess Johnson, Florent Brenguier, Benoit Taisne, Charles Williams, Nico Fournier

    This workshop was undertaken before the IAVCEI conference in July 2013, complementing the session on "Stress, strain and mass changes at active volcanoes. It brings together seismic and geodetic methods and computational approaches for modelling volcanic processes.Material presented includes:1....

  8. Mount St Helens 1980-6 Activity summary

    27 Apr 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): William I Rose

    This series of two lectures summarizes the sequence of events asssociated with the 1980-86 eruptions of Mount St Helens, Washington State, USA. It is intended as a refresher for students and researchers.Lipman, Peter W., and Mullineaux, Donal R. (eds.), 1981, The 1980 Eruptions of Mount St....

  9. Modeling volcanic eruptions: Practical experience from large-scale experiments

    29 Jan 2011 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Pierfrancesco Dellino

    This lecture is part of the Large-scale Experiments Workshop held in September, 2010.