Documentation for "Pyroclast cooling and saturation in water"

By Kristen Fauria1, Michael Manga2

1. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2. UC Berkeley

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Here we provide the experimental data and code used in the manuscript Pyroclast cooling and saturation in water by Kristen E. Fauria and Michael Manga. 

Raw experimental data can be accessed with the attached link. Subfolders organize the data by single experiment. Within each subfolder there are text files containing the temperature and submerged weight measurements. The timestamp of the weight measurements are given in seconds since the beginning of the day. 

Scripts used to produce each figure in the paper are labeled by figure number.




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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kristen Fauria; Michael Manga (2018), "Documentation for "Pyroclast cooling and saturation in water","

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