Tephra2 Probabilistic Runner
29 Feb 2012 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Costanza Bonadonna, Laura J Connor, Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Will vary the wind field for a given eruption in order to determine the most probable mass loading of tephra on the ground.
Tephra2: Student Version
21 Feb 2011 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Leah Michelle Courtland, Chuck B Connor, Laura Connor, Costanza Bonadonna
The Tephra2 ash dispersion model run via a GUI designed for student use.
20 Apr 2010 | *Tools | Contributor(s): Costanza Bonadonna, Laura Connor, Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Tephra2 uses the advection diffusion equation to forecast tephra dispersion in a given location based on a user-defined set of eruptive conditions.