Usage: Overview


9,898 Visits

Identified by Residence

  • US 29%
  • Asia 48%
  • Europe 11%
  • Other 10%

Identified by Organization

  • Education 25%
  • Industry 0%
  • Government 8%
  • Other 0%

Identified by Residence

  • US 35%
  • Asia 18%
  • Europe 20%
  • Other 22%

Identified by Organization

  • Education 0%
  • Industry 0%
  • Government 0%
  • Other 0%


153 Simulation Users
10,608 Simulation Jobs
288 days Total CPU Time
502 days Total Wall Time
138 days Total Interaction Time
38 users Users with > 10 mins of CPU Time
69 jobs Avg. Number of Simulation Jobs/User
708 days Avg. Time between First and Last Simulation
73 users Repeat Users with > 10 Simulation Jobs
76 users Repeat Users with > 3 Months {9}