Insolation and Ice Volume Explorer
17 Sep 2024 | Contributor(s):: Kristin Poinar
Explore the volume of ice on Earth, its rate of change, and insolation at 65°N over the last 4 ice ages
Building the Paleo page
Welcome everyone!
We are looking for community feedback on desired resources to add to GHub to support the Paleo dataset and resources page.
For now it can be just a growing listing of resources...
Cassie Sarah Geraghty
Alisha Cherie Coote
Aug 03 2014
Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science
This workshop will discuss major developments, best practices, and future directions/needs in tephra studies from both volcanological and tephrochronological perspectives. By bringing together a...
Gill Plunkett
Bess Koffman
PhD Candidate, University of Maine