Tags: Decision making

Presentations (1-3 of 3)

  1. Colima volcano exercise: planning, development and lessons learned.

    07 May 2013 | Contributor(s):: Stefano Ciolli

    VUELCO conference - Barcelona (Spain), 8th March 2013In the context of Work Package n.9 "Decision making and unrest management", Task n.9.6 "Simulation of unrest and decision-making" is aimed at the organization of four simulation exercises at different target volcanoes,...

  2. Interaction and cooperation between scientists and decision-makers. A case study from Campi Flegrei.

    14 Jan 2016 | Contributor(s):: Stefano Ciolli, Chiara Cristiani

    Lecture given during the short-course titled "Coping with volcanic unrest" held in Quito (Ecuador) on November 2014.The talks is aimed at illustrating the interaction and cooperation between scientists and dcision-makers, not only during Emergency phase. The focus of the presentation is...

  3. Volcanic risk management in Italy: a perspective from a decision maker.

    23 Apr 2015 | Contributor(s):: Stefano Ciolli

    Lecture given to the 1st VUELCO workshop held in Colima (Mexico) during the 7th Cities on Volcanoes Conference, 18th November 2012