Tags: ash

Offline Tools (1-2 of 2)

  1. IDL plotting code from NETCDF files generated by Matlab - Generating Probabilities Exceeding Threshold Results

    27 May 2016 | Contributor(s):: Peter W Webley

    This is the IDL pro files needed to plot the NETCDF outputs from Reza's Matlab code. There is a WORD file that explains each IDL pro file. You will also need the associated PNG files.

  2. ASHEE

    14 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s):: Matteo Cerminara, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro

    A fluid-dynamic model is developed to numerically simulate the non-equilibrium dynamics of polydisperse gas-particle mixtures forming volcanic plumes. Starting from the three-dimensional N-phase Eulerian transport equations for a mixture of gases and solid particles, we adopt an asymptotic...