By Benoit BJR Cordonnier1, Einat Lev, Fanny Garel

1. Unisersity Of California Berkeley // ETH Zurich Switzerland

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The lava flow team has agreed on benchmarking series.
Among which, benchmark #1 represents a dam break benchmark test.

Flow Characteristics:

The description of the test is fully dimensionless and based on existing rheological standards.
The reservoir box is defined by its height (H) and length (L). The width of the box equals the length (W=L). The aspect ratio (L/H) of the reservoir is defined with the standard of 6.6 and 1.3; the recommendation is to start with the 6.6 one. The runout of the box must be at least 10L.

Here we test Newtonian rheology of a perfect fluid. Note however that non-Newtonian solutions of plastic fluids also exist for later consideration.

We recommend the following parameters for codes needing dimensions:
L = 6.6;
H = 1;
Runout Distance = 66;
Total Box length = 72.6;

Density = 2700;
Viscosity = 1E4;
Simulation Time = 1.65E6;

We provide a DEM under the files 'X.txt', 'Y.txt' and 'Z.txt'.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Benoit BJR Cordonnier; Einat Lev; Fanny Garel (2014), "BENCHMARKING LAVA FLOWS -BM1- DAM BREAK FLOW,"

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