GFS 0.5 deg data for Puff from April 17 - 29 2010
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this is the global GFS data, every 6 hrs from April 17 2010 at 00:00. It is ready to be used by the Puff dispersion model, see example lines of code
Note i have defined the location of the wind field, the U, V and Z variables. I specify the model as reanalysis and this allows Puff to read the model file
puff --volc EYJAFJOLL --eruptDate "2010 04 17 01:00" --plumeShape poisson --plumeMax=7936.9434 --plumeMin=6133.8003 -plumeHwidth=3.7458306 --plumeZwidth=0.90157151 --ashLogMean=-3.9732363 --ashLogSdev=-0.899125054 -fileAll=/home/internalavo/webley/iceland_GFS_0.5deg/ -model=reanalysis -volcFile=/home/webley/puff/etc/volcanos.txt -varV=v -varU=u -varZ=Z
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