Maar Diatreme Experiments - 3D point cloud data of three explosions
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During the Maar-Diatreme experiments conducted, we were able to extract useful 3D point data after three major explosions.
The point set is hereby included for research purposes.
In the current form, the data has NOT been aligned with the mean sea level(MSL). However, ROUGH estimates of the datum are provided such that the user can transform this data into arbitrary coordinates and origins.
Set 1 - First explosion - recorded at a pitch angle of 120 degrees.
Set 2 - 4th explosion - recorded at a pitch angle of 120 degrees.
Set 3 - 7th explosion - recorded at a pitch angle of rougly 124 degrees.
Each set has to be rectified with its corresponding pitch angle to achieve a rough alignment with MSL (with +/- 4 degrees depending on which plane points are used to define MSL).
Volume of each pit can now be computed. The volume calculations are updated as a separate resource.
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