Plumeria_wd--Fortran open-source version

By Larry Garver Mastin

U.S. Geological Survey--Cascades Volcano Observatory

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This is an open-source Fortran version of Plumeria, a one-dimensional steady-state model for volcanic plumes. It calculates plume properties such as upward velocity, radius, density, mass fractions of particles, air, water vapor, liquid water and ice, as a function of height in a plume.  The program was revised in 2014 to include crosswinds, with revisions described in Mastin (2014).
The zip file contains source code, a makefile, example input files, a readme file that explains how to compile and run the model, and a document explaining the version history.
The makefile is written to compile with gfortran (the gnu fortran compiler). Unlike the Windows/Visual Basic version of Plumeria, the fortran version has no gui. Output is an ascii table of plume properties as a function of elevation.  Users with Matlab can run the matlab script 'plotemup.m' to plot up results.

The original Plumeria model is documented in Mastin (2007).  The Fortran version that incorporates crosswinds is documented in Mastin (2014).


Mastin LG (2007) A user-friendly one-dimensional model for wet volcanic plumes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8(Q03014):doi:10.1029/2006GC001455.
Mastin LG (2014) Testing the accuracy of a 1-D volcanic plume model in estimating mass eruption rate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119(5).

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Larry Garver Mastin (2011), "Plumeria_wd--Fortran open-source version,"

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