Documentation for "Pyroclast cooling and saturation in water"
31 Mar 2018 | Contributor(s): Kristen Fauria, Michael Manga
Here we provide the experimental data and code used in the manuscript Pyroclast cooling and saturation in water by Kristen E. Fauria and Michael Manga. Raw experimental data can be accessed with the attached link. Subfolders organize the data by single experiment. Within each subfolder...
Documentation for "Trapped bubbles keep pumice afloat and gas diffusion makes pumice sink"
02 Mar 2017 | Contributor(s): Kristen Fauria, Michael Manga, Zihan Wei
Here we make available raw data and code used in the paper, "Trapped bubbles keep pumice afloat and gas diffusion makes pumice sink" by Fauria, Manga, and Wei (2017, EPSL). Included in this database is:1. A .pdf copy of Fauria et al. (2017).2. Trapped bubble and vesicle volume and...
Documentation for "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents"
08 Sep 2016 | Contributor(s): Kristen Fauria, Michael Manga, Michael Chamberlain
This is a repository for the data and script used in, "Effect of particle entrainment on the runout of pyroclastic density currents."Here you will find:1. A compilation of splash function experimental data from this study and data that was extracted from seven other studies:...