2013 GVP Monthlies

1. Nevado del Huila (BGVN 38:01) Dome growth and displaced glacier in 2009; decreasing activity during 2010-2012

2. San Cristóbal (BGVN 38:01) Ash eruption during 25-28 December 2012

3. Doña Juana (BGVN 38:01) Seismic swarm in 2010 and monitoring efforts

4. Cumbal (BGVN 38:02) Non-eruptive activity: swarms and increased emissions during 2011-2012

5. Galeras (BGVN 38:03 – in process) Ash plumes reported during May-November 2012

6. Azufral (BGVN 38:03 – in process)

Wish List:

1. Tolima

2. Bravo

3. Nevado Santa Isabel

4. Fuego

5. Sangay

6. Agrigan

7. Volcán Barú

8. …

  1. Azufral
  2. Cumbal
  3. Dona Juana
  4. Galeras
  5. gvp
  6. Nevado del Huila
  7. Nevado Santa Isabel
  8. San Cristobal
  9. Tolima
  10. Volcan Baru
  11. volcanic behaviour

Comments on this entry

  1. Julie A Herrick

    Open to suggestions, too!

    This is a tentative list for future BGVN monthlies; mostly catch-up on activity in Colombia and it’s already time to revisit Galeras!!

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    Replying to Julie A Herrick

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