
  • Organization
    Roma Tre University

  • Residency
    (not set)

    (not set)

  • Address
    (not set)

  • Biography
    04/2012 – present Postgraduate master (University of Rome Tor Vergata).
    GeoInformation and Geographic Information systems
    supporting sustainable management of territory and territorial
    - A WebGis for the physical and chemical properties of magmas.
    04/2012 – present Postdoctoral fellowship (University of Roma Tre)
    - New rationale and new methodologies for the quantitative
    evaluation of the thermal maturity of organic matter dispersed
    in sediments and pyroclastites for thermal evolution of
    sedimentary and volcanic successions (Raman spectroscopy).
    -Effect of CO2 on magma viscosity.
    -Calorimetric and volumetric properties of magma.
    04/2012 PhD in Environmental and Resource Geology (University of
    Roma Tre).
    Dissertation: Experimental investigation of physical and
    chemical properties of magmas. Application to magma
    Supervisor: Dr. Claudia Romano.
    11/2008 – 04/2012 Graduate student in Environmental and Resource Geology
    (University of Roma Tre.)
    05/2008 MSc with merits (110/110 cum laude) in Geology (University of
    Roma Tre).
    Dissertation: Rheological and electrical proprieties of peralkaline
    magmas from Pantelleria Island.
    Supervisor: Prof. F. Barberi. In collaboration with Prof. D.B.
    Dingwell (University of Munich) and Prof. H. Beherens
    (University of Hannover).
    02/2005 – 05/2008 Undergraduate student in Geology, University of Roma Tre.
    02/2005 B.Sc. with merits (110/110 cum laude) in Geology (University of
    Roma Tre).
    Dissertation: Geological survey, Structural Geology and
    Supervisor: Prof. B.T. Poe, Prof. A. Mottana.
    1996 – 2001 Technical and Industrial High School Diploma (98/100), Enrico
    Fermi Institute (Frascati, Rome).