Knowledge Base

How to use WebDAV to access your Ghub storage

WebDAV is the Distributed Authoring and Versioning extension to the standard HTTP/HTTPS web protocol. It allows a client to browse a remote filesystem, usually with a graphical browser that makes it appear that your files are on your desktop. You may access your Ghub storage using only the secure version of this service (HTTPS). We do not support HTTP. Most modern computer platforms support HTTPS transport for WebDAV with either small adjustments or freely available software.


Using the Nautilus file browser GUI, you can access your Ghub storage with the "Connect to Server" dialog. In Ubuntu 14 and greater, use your own username, and enter the following into the textbox: davs:// When prompted, fill in your username and password. Thereafter, you traverse your home directory by clicking on folders. You can drag and drop files to your desktop. Tip: If you encounter problems with Nautilus, we recommend using cadaver to connect via webDAV.

If you use the KDE graphical desktop environment, you can access your Ghub storage with the Konqueror browser by typing the special URL webdavs:// into the Location field of the browser. It will prompt you for your Ghub login and password. Thereafter, you traverse your home directory by clicking on folders and you can drag and drop files to your desktop.

Cadaver is a text-mode WebDAV browser. It can be used if it is compiled with SSL support. Invoke it with the command cadaver and it will prompt you for your Ghub login and password. You can then use it in a manner similar to FTP.

If you are using Linux, you can use the davfs kernel module to mount your Ghub storage area as a local filesystem.


MacOS versions 10.4 and higher support HTTPS transport for WebDAV using the Finder. To access your Ghub directory, select the Go menu in the Finder and choose "Connect to Network Server". Enter the URL into the address field. You will be prompted for your Ghub login and password.

MacOS versions lower than 10.4 do not have support for HTTPS, but a free client exists. Download Goliath and install it on your system. Invoke it and use as the address to connect to. Note that you may also use Goliath on newer MacOS platforms as well.


The Windows 10 File Explorer can be used to access your Ghub home directory using WebDAV. To do so, please follow the following instructions on your Windows 10 workstation:

  1. From the Start Menu, navigate to File Explorer and select "This PC" on the left hand pane.
  2. Select Computer from the top ribbon.
  3. Click on Map Network Drive. In the dialog that appears:
    • Select a drive letter.
    • In the Folder text box, type:
    • Check "connect using different credentials".
    • When prompted, supply your username and password for Ghub.
    • Note: If the above method does not work, try instead specifying for the Folder:

Now you have a mapped drive for upload/download of files between your Windows 10 workstation and your vidia home directory.

You can also browse or download your home directory on vidia by pointing your IE or Firefox browser at the following URL: When prompted, enter your username and password in the browser dialog.

Windows versions and webDAV support

Further information about using webDAV on Windows can be found in the HUBzero documentation.

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  1. 0 Dislike

    Joaquin Alberto Cortes

    This is way outdated!

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    1. 0 Dislike

      Jeanette Sperhac

      I updated it a bit. Hope that helps!

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  2. 0 Dislike

    Jeanette Sperhac

    I updated it a bit. Hope that helps!

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