• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 14 Mar 2014

About the Group

Public Description

This workshop is aimed at volcanologists interested in how to diagnose and quantitatively forecast hazardous behaviour at volcanoes. It comprises four sections covering some of the most common and used techniques that can be applied operationally, including: Expert Judgment, Bayesian Event Trees, Operational Alerts, and Bayesian Belief Networks. Each session will include an introductory lecture, explaining the techniques and examples of how they are used and/or have been applied in real case studies. There will be opportunities for participants to try out some of the tools. The group will discuss the treatment of uncertainty using each method and how the various techniques might be implemented and interfaced in practice. The final goal is to increase the awareness of participants on pro and cons of such tools, on their scientific background and their practical applicability. For further information, please contact the organising committee.

The workshop is organized in four half-day sessions: – Automated Monitoring Alerts – Bayesian Event Trees – Expert Judgment methods – Bayesian Belief Networks

To register for the OTVHA workshop, please complete the registration form (below) and email it to h.odbert-AT-bristol.ac.uk by 31st March.