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  • Created 04 Dec 2013

Commission terms of reference


The Commission will be led by a committee comprising the leader(s) of the Commission, the leaders of the working groups, and an early career scientist.

The committee will be elected every four years, during a Commission meeting at IAVCEI Scientific Assemblies.

The Committee will nominate a representative to serve on the Liaison Committee.

Commission Activities

The Commission will endeavour to fulfil the following:

• Organize a workshop or meeting (or equivalent activity) at least once every 4 years.

• Organize (or co-organize) symposia and workshops that contribute to IAVCEI/IUGG General and Scientific Assemblies.

• Promote and enhance the participation of members in the IUGG General Assemblies.

• Keep a website on VHUB that clearly acknowledges IAVCEI affiliation, and that includes an updated (at least once a year) register of members.

• Communicate with the commission members at least once per year via an e-newsletter about commission activities and forthcoming commission workshops and programs at IAVCEI conferences.

• Ensure that commission members are IAVCEI members.

• Support the activities of Commission Working Groups.

Working groups

The main activities of the Commission will take place in a series of working groups.

Working groups will have a nominated leader, who is elected every four years, during a Commission meeting at IAVCEI Scientific Assemblies.

Working groups will be required to provide a brief report to Commission leaders on an annual basis.

Proposals for new working groups should be submitted to Commission leader(s) using the [title=“this form” ]

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