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  • Created 30 Mar 2015

Open postdoc position from July 2015

Open postdoc position at the Field Station from July 2015

We are looking for a postdoc who will focus on the development of lab-size and “larger than lab”-size experimental techniques at the Geohazards Field Station. The first focus point will be experimental investigation of explosive magma-water interaction physics using several tens of liters of natural remelted volcanic rock. The postdoc will be part of current and planned activities of the Field Station as described in the official job add.

Questions about details of the position, activities and projects, or concerning applications are happily answered by Ingo Sonder (ingomark@buffalo.edu) or Greg Valentine (gav4@buffalo.edu). The official application should be submitted using the UBJobs website (see below).

Excerpt of the official UBJobs add

The University at Buffalo, through the Center for Geohazards Studies, is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to assist in development of new experimental volcanology capabilities and to participate and lead in research using those capabilities. Current focus areas include phreatomagmatic processes with emphasis on the effects of material properties on vapor film development, and interaction of water with volumes of melt up to 40 liters in a range of geometrical configurations, crystal and bubble content, and dynamics. Experiments with explosion processes (using chemical explosives as proxies for volcanic explosions) are ongoing and the postdoc will have opportunities to participate in those. Possible incoming capabilities include an apparatus for experiments on geologic mass flow processes as e.g. PDCs, landslides, or lahars, with several tens of meters length scales. In addition to working with these capabilities, the postdoc will have opportunities to develop original concepts for experimental studies related to explosive volcanism, including material properties of magmas, and will have the flexibility to lead their own work within the context of the larger experimental volcanology at UB. Candidates who have experience with field studies and numerical modeling will have the opportunity to use those skills in conjunction with the experimental work, however, the major focus of the position is experimental.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment to the postdoctoral position, with training in geophysics, physics, or geology, and will have a strong background in quantitative volcanology (fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, geophysics, and material science as applied to volcanic processes). Skills with instrumentation and data analysis for high-speed, high temperature processes are desirable. A successful record of timely publication and presentation of a candidate’s research is also desired.

If you are interested, go to https://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/ and follow the “Search Postings” link at the left, enter the number 1500194 into the Posting Number form, and follow the first search result.

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