Tags for Education Resources

Below is a list of tags used in Education Resources to organize the materials for ease of navigation. When tagging, please add all that apply!

Language: English
Lenguaje: Español


Level: Grades: preK-4
Level: Grades: 5-8
Level: Grades: 9 -12
Level: College: Lower level undergraduate/nonmajors
Level: College: Upper level undergraduate/majors/graduate
Level: Professional development: Educator
Level: Professional development: Researcher
Level: Professional development: General public


Location: Africa
Location: Antarctica
Location: Asia
Location: Australia
Location: Europe
Location: Interplanetary
Location: North America
Location: South America


Resource Type: Course (Multiple Lessons)
Resource Type: Famous volcanoes
Resource Type: Game
Resource Type: General information
Resource Type: Hands-on activity
Resource Type: Lab
Resource Type: Lecture notes
Resource Type: Lesson plan
Resource Type: Map
Resource Type: Online resource
Resource Type: Other


Standard:Math Content:Geometry
Standard:Math Content:Algebra
Standard:Math Content:Measurement
Standard:Math Content:Data Analysis & Probability

Standard: Science as Inquiry: Skills, abilities, attitudes associated with science
Standard: Science as Inquiry: How we know what we know
Standard: Science as Inquiry: Skills necessary to become independent inquirers
Standard: Science as Inquiry: Understanding of scientific concepts
Standard: Science as Inquiry: Understanding of nature of science

Standard: Physical Science: Energy: (conservation, interactions, transfer)
Standard: Physical Science: Matter (properties, changes)
Standard: Physical Science: Objects (position, motion, forces)
Standard: Physical Science: Properties of objects and materials

Standard: Earth & Space Science: Earth’s history (origin, evolution)
Standard: Earth & Space Science: Geochemistry
Standard: Earth & Space Science: Properties of objects and materials
Standard: Earth & Space Science: Structure of the earth system

Standard: Science & Technology: Technological design
Standard: Science & Technology: Understanding science and technology

Standard: Science in Personal & Social Perspectives: Hazards (risks, mitigation)
Standard: Science in Personal & Social Perspectives: Local, national, global challenges
Standard: Science in Personal & Social Perspectives: Personal and community health

Standard: History & Nature of Science: Nature of science
Standard: History & Nature of Science: History of science
Standard: History & Nature of Science: Science as a human endeavor


Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Conduit
Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Deformation
Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Earth history
Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Geothermal system
Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Plate tectonics
Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Subsurface processes
Topic: Earth (systems & structure): Surface processes

Topic: Eruption Type: Dome
Topic: Eruption Type: Effusive
Topic: Eruption Type: Hawaiian
Topic: Eruption Type: Lava flow
Topic: Eruption Type: Phreatic
Topic: Eruption Type: Phreatomagmatic
Topic: Eruption Type: Plinian
Topic: Eruption Type: Strombolian
Topic: Eruption Type: Submarine
Topic: Eruption Type: Vulcanian

Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Dating
Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Gases
Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Geochemical cycles
Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Magma evolution
Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Mineralogy
Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Radioactivity
Topic: Geochemistry and Petrology: Rocks and rock cycles

Topic: Geohazards: Atmospheric effects
Topic: Geohazards: Ballistic
Topic: Geohazards: Collapse
Topic: Geohazards: Debris flow
Topic: Geohazards: Earthquake
Topic: Geohazards: Environmental effects
Topic: Geohazards: Gas
Topic: Geohazards: Lahar
Topic: Geohazards: Lava flow
Topic: Geohazards: Pyroclastic density current: flow
Topic: Geohazards: Pyroclastic density current: surge
Topic: Geohazards: Tephra fallout
Topic: Geohazards: Tsunami

Topic: Geophysics: Deformation
Topic: Geophysics: Energy
Topic: Geophysics: Flow dynamics
Topic: Geophysics: Gravity
Topic: Geophysics: Mantle and core
Topic: Geophysics: Rock magnetism
Topic: Geophysics: Seismology
Topic: Geophysics: Thermodynamics

Topic: Geospatial: GIS
Topic: Geospatial: GPS
Topic: Geospatial: Remote sensing

Topic: Humans: Culture and language
Topic: Humans: Current events
Topic: Humans: Effect on humans
Topic: Humans: Geothermal
Topic: Humans: Misconceptions
Topic: Humans: Monitoring
Topic: Humans: Risk and vulnerability

Topic: Volcano Landforms: Caldera
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Collapse caldera
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Debris avalanche
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Fissure
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Flood basalt
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Hydrothermal vent
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Lava lake
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Maar
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Scoria cone
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Shield volcano
Topic: Volcano Landforms: Stratovolcano/Composite volcano

Topic: Volcano Name: Mt. Saint Helens
Topic: Volcano Name: Laki
Topic: Volcano Name: Vesuvius
Topic: Volcano Name: Tungurahua
Topic: Volcano Name: Galeras
Topic: Volcano Name: Montserrat
Topic: Volcano Name: Colima
Topic: Volcano Name: Eyjafjallajokull


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