Tags: volcanology

All Categories (101-106 of 106)

  1. Large Scale Experiments on Volcanic Processes (EOS)

    19 Jul 2011 | Contributor(s):: Greg A Valentine

    Some of the least understood and most hazardous geologic processes involve complex multiphase flows, particularly those related to explosive volcanic eruptions. These phenomena inherently involve a wide range of characteristic length and time scales, as well as processes that are coupled across...

  2. Alessandro Fabbrizio


  3. Dimitrios P. Zouzias

    University of PatrasDepartment Member, GeologyContact InformationEmail:dizouzias@gmail.comhttp://www.dizouzias.webs.com


  4. Jacob Bailie Lowenstern


  5. Malcolm D Buck

    20 years teaching Geosciences at the University of New South Wales, 3 years at the University of Newcastle. In early 2012 I was confirmed to having Motor Neuron Disease (also known ALS or Lou...


  6. Ian M. Coulson

    Ian M. Coulson is an Associate Professor of volcanology and igneous petrology at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He studied at the University of Portsmouth and the University of...
