Tags: Lava dome stability

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  1. An assessment of hydrothermal alteration in the Santiaguito lava dome complex, Guatemala: implications for dome collapse hazards

    28 Feb 2013 | Contributor(s):: Jessica L. Ball, Eliza S Calder, Marc Bernstein

    A combination of field mapping, geochemistry, and remote sensing methods has been employed to determine the extent of hydrothermal alteration and assess the potential for failure at the Santiaguito lava dome complex, Guatemala. The 90-year-old complex of four lava domes has only experienced...

  2. Global Archive of Dome Instabilities (GLADIS)

    13 Mar 2017 | Contributor(s):: Claire Ellen Harnett, Mark Thomas, Eliza S Calder, Susanna Kathryn Ebmeier, Alison Telford, William Murphy, Jurgen Neuberg

    Investigating the causal mechanisms of lava dome collapse is imperative in understanding the dynamic processes that occur during active lava dome growth. We present a worldwide database and provide an assessment of dome collapse across a diverse range of volcanoes in the Global Archive of Dome...

  3. Hugh Tuffen

    I'm a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Lecturer at Lancaster University. My research addresses magma deformation, degassing and crystallization, using tools such as fieldwork,...


  4. Jessica L. Ball


  5. Jonathan H Fink


  6. Wilman Fabian Navarrete Fuentes
