Tags: gas measurements

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  1. Contribution of methane to total gas pressure in deep waters at lakes Nyos and Monoun (Cameroon, West Africa)

    17 Jul 2014 | Contributor(s):: Issa, Takeshi Ohba, Wilson Fangtong, Alain Fouepe, CHAKO TCHAMABE Boris, Yukata Yoshida, Minoru Kusakabe, Sigha Kamdjou, Urumu TSUNOGAI, Yu Uginuma, Greg Zinkeng Tanyileke, Hell J.V.


  2. Laura's LDEO meeting slides

    01 Feb 2013 | Contributor(s):: Laura Clor

    This is the Power Point that I showed at the workshop at Lamont, January 24-25, 2013. Mostly photos of people collecting various types of ground-based gas samples and/or data.

  3. Viveka Brian Jackson
